Over the last five years we have seen significant growth is the membership of our church - Praise God. Yet there are so many more in our neighbourhoods.
What will our church look like in 2030?
Building on the faithful and fruitful work of many who have been in this church family over the long-term, we have seen, under God, some wonderful growth since 2020. This has introduced some capacity issues and growing pains we seek to address so that we can continue to welcome and grow many in faith.
Interestingly, we have realised that our Sunday Morning gatherings as limited more by the size capacity of the Kids Church than by the size capacity of our Auditoriums!
You will be pleased to know that the Mt Riv Redevelopment plans are in full swing. The DA is lodged, has been reviewed with all complying documentation, payment made, and we are now waiting for the plans to progress through the BMCC approval process. We have secured a new Hall, and we are waiting for approval – with the hope and prayer that we can make all this happen quickly for the expanding ministries that we have planned at Mt Riv next year.
Phase 1 -
Phase 2 -
Mt Riv is busting and there is so much that we can do with an expanding space.
Ministry cares for those we already know. Mission reaches those whom we are yet to meet. By God's grace, we need to keep stepping out in faith and trying new things, to reach new people - and a key way to do that is to plant new church gatherings. We saw the growth that came with starting a second Glenbrook morning gathering. Let's pray the same will also happen as we look to start more - in Mt Riv? in Warrimoo? in Lapstone? in Orchard Hills (in partnership with Kingswood/Glenmore Park)? On other days of the week?
And so, the plan the coming five years, will be to start with a new evening or afternoon gathering next year – and then perhaps another in 2027 and another in 2030.
Time, energy and investment are all needed - and each year, the hope is that each gathering will grow (little bit by little bit).