We have five gatherings across three locations. Each one is a bit different, and they all make up Lower Mountains Anglican Church.


1 Wascoe St Glenbrook / 16 Taringha St Blaxland / 159 Rusden Rd Mt Riv

Glenbrook 9am - A gathering for the young and old that includes a Kids Program for Creche (0-2) Sparks (ages 3-5), Embers (years K-2), and Flame (years 3-6).
Mt Riv 9am - A warm, friendly family oriented congregation. There is a Kids’ program and Morning Tea.
Glenbrook 10:30am - A contemporary gathering that includes a Kids and Youth Program with Sparks (ages 3-5), Embers (years K-2), Flame (years 3-5), and Crossfire (years 6-8).
Blaxland 10:30am - A traditional gathering, with a warm, welcoming and friendly group of people. There is a creche and Morning Tea.
Glenbrook 6pm - A youthful gathering that embraces the beauty and wisdom of all ages in the body of Christ as we learn from each other and share dinner together.
Online - Stream church live at 10:30 am on Sundays on YouTube. You can also check out our past services, LMAP Kid’s church or Playgroup videos.
Register for KidsChurch Let Us Know You're Coming

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Some people might think you have to dress up for church. That’s not our style. Come in whatever you’re comfortable in.

Each gathering tries to start on time, so being a few minutes early is a good idea, especially if you want to get familiar with the surroundings, or maybe meet a few people. That said, don’t panic if you are running late (a lot of us do) and the welcomers stay out the front to greet people well after the start.

Each of our locations have parking situated all around our buildings. At Glenbrook there is marked parking on surrounding streets including spaces marked for disabled access. At Blaxland there is parking on the grounds and on the street out the front. At Mt Riverview there is parking on the grounds and in the surrounding streets.

Welcome Flags are at the door where a greeter will be able to say hello and point you where to go next.

Church really (and literally) just means gathering. When Christians gather together, they talk about Christ, Jesus Christ. At all LMAP gatherings, someone will read the Bible out loud and someone else will usually give a talk about what the Bible said (this is sometimes called a sermon). There will also be prayers (this is simply talking to God; thanking him for things and asking him for what we need) and songs (everyone sings these together; praising God and reminding us of all the good things he has done). All of this is normally done in about an hour.

After the gathering, there is usually some tea or coffee, and most people hang around chatting for about half an hour. Feel free to stay as long as you like or leave when you must.

No. The church is entirely funded by the generous giving of the regular members, so there is no expectation on anyone to give until they are part of the church community. Giving, no matter who you are, is always completely voluntary.

That’s fine. Nobody needs to know anything special to come to church. Each gathering has a gathering leader, kind of like an MC, who leads everyone through whatever is happening. Most things are put on a projection screen, especially things like words to songs or prayers.

During school terms, there is a kid’s church with different groups for preschool and primary school at Mt Riv and through to junior high at our Glenbrook site. We believe kids are part of our community, and so in Kids Church we do many of the same things as in adult church, just in fun and age-appropriate ways.

Kids join us in the gathering for the first few songs, staying for a special ‘Kid’s Spot’ presentation. After this, they head out to the various break-out spaces where they’re looked after by qualified and checked members of our church community.

Everyone - staff and volunteers – who work with children, youth, or vulnerable persons at Lower Mountains Anglican have a Working With Children Check, Safe Ministry Check, and have completed Safe Ministry Training. Each child will need to be signed in and out of our kids programs, and a record kept of leaders attendance. Each room in our buildings (with the exception of the bathrooms) have sight access so that it is easy and possible to see what is happening in each of our programs. Our Kids and Youth Volunteers will usually have an identifiable uniform item to mark them out as a leader (shirt, jumper, hat or badge).

Your baby is welcome at all our locations. Kids and babies make noise, that is part of being a kid and most cope with noisy pretty well. In fact, we love it. Church is meant to be for everyone. There are baby change facilities at each of our sites. At the Glenbrook building, there’s a parent room up the back of the church where carers can take their infants and still have full visibility of what is happening in the Auditorium.

That’s fine. People get up all the time. Maybe they need to go to the bathroom, get some air or maybe they just remembered they left the stove on! Feel free to stand up and walk out whenever you need to.

Everyone is invited to consider becoming a Christian, and church is a great place to check out what this could mean, but just coming along for a visit doesn’t mean someone is a Christian or a church member. For anyone wondering about Jesus, church or Christianity we are more than happy to answer any questions. You could even join in one of our JesusWORKS courses.

Nothing. Just yourself or maybe a friend if they’ll help you feel more comfortable. Feel free to bring a Bible if you want too, but we have copies available in the building.

Disabilities can take many different forms and we will do our best to cater for any need. In place we have ramps, accessible toilets, hearing loops, large print Bibles, change facilities (not only for children), dedicated car spaces (at Glenbrook), movable and flexible seating, and subtitles (when online). If you have particular needs, concerns or fears, feel free to contact our office to talk this through beforehand.

We also have a bunch of events during the week for people at every age and stage