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In these fun, practical and interactive workshops we'll learn:

  • what makes for effective service leading
  • how to assemble a service outline that makes sense
  • how to open, link together and close a service 

Before the sessions we'll send you some material to read through so we can focus as much of our time as possible on discussion and putting it into practice!

As a mature Christian and an experienced service leader, your contribution to our learning together will be invaluable. 


Session 1: Fine Dining: The ingredients of a great service
Saturday 8 February 
2:00-3:30pm (following Leaders Training Day and lunch break)
LMAP Glenbrook

Session 2: Stir, Sift, Fold: Leading services to help people taste God's goodness
Saturday 29 March
2:00-3:30pm (following Leaders Training Day and lunch break)
LMAP Glenbrook